
quinta-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2014


I- Complete Jane's daily routine by choosing the correct form of the verb in brackets.
Jane Smith  (be) a good secretary.
She  (go) to the office every day in the morning and she  (stay) there till twelve o'clock.
In the afternoon she  (not go) to work. She usually  (walk)in the park with her children.
After dinner her husband  (wash) the dishes and she  (help) the children with their homework. Then she  (read) a book or they  (talk) about their day's work.
They  (not go) late to bed because they always (get up) very early.
II- Number the pictures according to the sentences.
1- Tom is fishing with his son.
2- The girls are learning to cook.
3- He is swimming in the pool.
4- Jim is painting the ceiling.
5- She is running.
6- The children are listening to music.
7- My little brother is surfing the Internet.
8- She is reading a book.
III-Complete the sentences with the Simple Present or the Present Continuous.
1.He usually  (go) to work by bus but today he  (go) by train.
2.Jane always  (sleep) after lunch but this afternoon she  (visit) her best friend.
3.Mary and Peter often (stay) at home but tonight they  (go out).
4.Paul usually  (do) his homework in the evening but this evening he  (play) with some friends.
5. I  (read) a book every week but this week I  (work) hard in the office.


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